Thursday, April 08, 2010

Dig A Little Deeper 

There's a story about the California gold rush that tells of two brothers who sold all they had and went prospecting for gold. They discovered a vein of the shining ore, staked a claim, and proceeded to get down to the serious business of getting the gold ore out of the mine. All went well at first, but then a strange thing happened. The vein of gold ore disappeared! They had come to the end of the rainbow, and the pot of gold was no longer there. The brothers continued to pick away, but without succes. Finally, they gave up in disgust.

They sold their equipment and claim rights for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. Now the man who bought the claim hired an engineer to examine the rock strata of the mine. The engineer advised him to continue digging in the same spot where the former owners had left off. And three feet deeper, the new owner struck gold.

A little more persistence and the two brothers would have been millionaires themselves. That's gold in you too. Do you need to dig three feet farther?

Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
- Thomas A. Edison

Keep On Smiling And Encourage Someone!
From The Heart,

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nice Message..

Life is an attitude, if you don't like your life, change your attitude.

The Charlie Schulz Philosophy (This is marvelous!! Scroll thru slowly and read carefully to receive and enjoy the Schulz philosophy)

Nice Message..

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz,  the creator of the "Peanuts" comic  strip.
You don't have to actually  answer the questions.
Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll  get the point.

1 Name  the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy  winners.
3 Name the last  five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or  Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name  the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and  actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth  of World Series winners.

How did you   do?

The point is , none of us remember the headliners of  yesterday.
These are no second-rate  achievers.
They are the  best in their fields.

But the  applause dies..
Awards  tarnish.
Achievements are  forgotten.
Accolades and  certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's  another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who  aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a  difficult time.
3. Name  five people who have taught you something  worthwhile.
4. Think of a  few people who have made you feel appreciated and  special!!
5. Think of  five people you enjoy spending time with.
6. Think of a great friend who makes EXCELLENT BURGERS!!


The lesson: The people who make a difference  in your life are not the ones with the most  credentials.. the most  money...or the most awards.

They simply are the ones who care the  most.

Nice Message..
"Don't worry about the world  coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!"

"Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!"

Obsticals in life ?‏

While we all pray for each other that one should not come across any obstacle in life, I have a different view after read the following.

We must come across obstacles and need to pray for each other to overcome obstacles (with some pain) and progress.

One night recently my daughter, Elizabeth, was showing me an aquarium full of tadpoles. She had purchased a whole bag full of them for her children (my grandchildren) to watch grow from tadpoles into frogs. It was fun watching all of those little wiggly creatures swimming around in the aquarium! It brought back many fond memories of my own childhood, playing with “critters” down at my grandparent’s house.

I noticed that there was a big rock in the aquarium. When I asked her why she put a rock right in the middle of the tadpoles’ environment, Elizabeth told me an interesting story. I can hardly believe that I have lived almost fifty-nine years without having heard it because it is so good.

Elizabeth said that when she went to the pet store to buy the tadpoles, the gentleman told her to be sure to put a big rock right in the middle of the aquarium. The tadpoles must have this obstacle to give them the incentive to climb up and thus split their little wiggly tails so that their legs can begin to develop. If they have no rock or obstacle to climb up on, they will never turn into frogs. They cannot learn how to hop by just swimming around in water. They must have something causing resistance to give them the incentive to leap forward.

The man went on to tell her that last year a school teacher came back to the store and complained because none of her tadpoles had ever turned into frogs. She had put all of them in an aquarium and let them swim around but they never became frogs. He asked her if she had put a big obstacle, like a rock, in the middle of the aquarium. She said that she had not. She did not know that a tadpole will remain a tadpole unless it faces some obstacle or barrier that forces it to grow. Neither did I, but it makes perfect sense.

So, my daughter was excited to show me all of the tadpoles swimming around the rock. In time, they will begin to try to climb up it and eventually they will make the transformation into a more fully mature creature.

I was amazed and delighted to hear that story. It helped me begin to see, once again, why we have obstacles and barriers in front of us. They are not there to hinder us, but they are there to cause us to grow. It is not so much what the object is in front of each one of us that matters as much as it is our attitude towards it. If we realize that the obstacle we are facing is really a gift that has come our way to help us grow and mature, we will be much more likely to face it in a positive manner.

Since I watched those tadpoles the other night and saw the big rock in their aquarium, I have begun to see the obstacles I face in a different way. Instead of being rocks in my path, those obstacles have become stepping stones to help me leap forward in whatever situation I find myself.

I know that those little tadpoles have no idea what is going on. They just are not that smart. The truth of the matter is, neither are we. Most of us have no idea what is going on in our lives either. We don’t understand that the barriers and obstacles, challenges, difficulties and hard times that come our way each day are actually there for a purpose. There is no way we will have the incentive to grow, or to become better, or to strive harder, if everything in life is just a simple situation. I know the harder I work at anything, the more profitable it is for me, not only financially, but personally, in my own heart and character as well.

So, the next time you see a frog hopping around, smile at him and thank him for the lesson, remembering the struggle he has gone through to get where he is. Perhaps out in the wild somewhere, he faced a difficult rock or barrier in his life, but rather than swimming away from it, he just crawled up on it and began to develop his personal strength until he eventually matured to become the frog that you see hopping around.

Moral: Remember... Obstacles are there to help you...

All the best once again.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Think Positive And Enjoy Your Life

-I don’t' know if they'll like me and except me for the job
-I'm still new in this neighbor and don't know if I can make any friends
-This place is odd , I don't know if I'll fit in
-I'm not a really good person to make a friend with
-How will I do in my test tomorrow ?
-Will the weather be good today ?
-What if no one likes my speech ?
-I don't think I can do this ….
Negative … negative …. negative ….negative…..negative….n…e…g..a…t..i…v…e

Hey , whoa  - whoa . What's all these negative thoughts for ?
Why are you seeing things this way through black sight ?
I know hard moments come on me and you from time to time but that doesn't mean you should be worried all the time and except some thing bad will happen in the near future . Take it easy there , don't be so hard on yourself . 

Life is Simple
And you should be just like it too . Look to thing just they way they are . Don’t go too much for the details . Do the tasks that's been asked from you and don’t do more then that . It's totally a simple life . Like a kid who all cares about his toys and fun time .  Like a flower that give sweet small and look . Like a curio that adds beauty to your house . It's that Simple .

Do things that you like and enjoy
Listen to music , dance
Go shopping with your friends and family
Watch some movie , your favorite ones
Go in trips with your school mates
Discover new things in books , net , TV , from people around you
Be with every thing that you enjoy yourself with and have wonderful moments spending your time on them . Respond to anything your heart desires and perfume it right a way .

Let the negative thought aside
Don't think badly , repeat them over and over again . It's won't help you any way .
You'll just mess things with yourself when you except something and another comes in your way later. It'll give you headache too sometimes when you think badly for a long time about a certain matter . My sister used to have situation like this .
Leave all the negative words aside and throw them in the trash can forever :
-I can't do it
-I'm not sure
-I won't success
-They won't like me
-It'll be bad  
And like they say

Be positive and think bright
When you leave the negative side of yourself and start being positive . Work on it like you did on the negative situation . Always say good things to yourself in every matter in your life . Keep repeating them over and over again .
Don’t just speak them up but do as you say . Let your mind, sayings and acts go with each other :
-I can do this , it's easy
-Everything will be fine
-I'll make it till the end
-It'll end in no time
-I'll get all the help I want
-Success is in my hand , I got all the factors for it  

And always remember that you are what you think , feel what you want . So always act according to this , think positive and bright . You can do it .

Live your life
You me and every buddy else got only one life . It's not worth to spend it on complaining , blaming , fighting or any other useless stuff . You have to live to your maximum . Set goals , dreams and aims . Work hard to achieve them . Always focus on what your doing and be positive about it . Think you are capable for this mission and you'll achieve it for sure . Cause you are what you think .

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Most Thing I Hate !!!

- Hey I need a little help with some questions , can you give me a hand ?
- Sure , show me what you got .
- Here , it's just these two questions in the beginning
- Okay , I'll solve them to you and write the answers in 5 minuets

After 5 minuets ,
-There you are , I was waiting for you . I finished your questions you can take it now.
She grabs the paper from me in an impolite way .
-You should brought it to me earlier since you finished it already !!
- But you didn't tell me that and …..
-Yeah , yeah . Whatever thanks for that help


We meet lots of people in our life ….
Simple and easy .
Funny and mad .
Happy and sad .
Clever and wise .
And many others . We enjoy funny people's jokes . Listen to wise one's wisdom . Have happy and nice time with simple people . But one of them you can't stand very much and that's that bad manners guy's or people .

You know the ones whenever you do something they don't thank you . Or when they pass by a crowded place or something like that they keep on complaining . And when they be with you , they don't let you work or mess thing got you . Don't talk in a polite way , don't say good thing . Don't behave gently . They just care about their selves. Selfish , snooty , liar , cocky . Just love themselves and think they are the best from anyone else .

No one loves these kind of people . They don’t respect others , don't help them . Don’t treat you with your dignity . Just like you are some thing lower then them .
But why they are like this ?!
Probably because they are some important person . Or have lots of money . A high position in job, maybe became something that other couldn't come to .
 ~ that's what I think .

In my life I met lots of them, People with bad manners . I can't do anything but be silent until that annoying person go away . I'm sure that you too met these kind of people , one or two of them . There's no part in this world safe from these kind of human . For a regular  person you can stand it , but when it comes from another guy that should be a leader or a teacher that's another case .
I mean if your teacher or boss has bad manners then it would be something difficult to deal with . Not like your neighbor's boy or class mate , you can simply ignore or avoid talking to them . But when it's up to your teacher or boss you have to deal with them sooner or later, no matter what .

As I met many of them I can say the best solution for this kind is being patient , ignore them and don't talk too much . You can intimation them about their behaves though it didn't work with me but you can try anyway . To stay away from them is even better . They'll play with your nerves whenever you hang around with them .

Some times even a regular guy can become annoying and have bad manners . They don't mean it but when they have hard times their mood become bad and do things that they don't mean . So always watch what you are doing , cause no buddy like a bad manner guy , they are more like bugs or noxious plant

How do you act when a bad mannered guy hang around with you ?!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An Oak Tree Or a Reed ?!

  Sometimes matters don't go like the way we want but it can be a simple problem you can handle . Like when your computer isn't working you fix it . Or when you use your cell phone you be surprised that you can't make a call although you charged it yesterday , so what's the problem ? there's no credit in your balance !!
Having to much house work or home work . Working some extra hours . All these things can be handled . Even if you get upset and mad in the beginning you'll soon forget about them once you finished them , am I right or not ?!

But , in other case problems get complicated . They be more then just some extra hours of work or missing things. No matter how hard you do to solve the problem or avoid it , it simply just keeps going harder and harder on you .
There's lots of examples for that from our daily life .

Let's take these two for example :
First : You are working very hard and have been given some more extra time to work.
Let's say you work as a teacher . There too many stuff needs to be finished . Your boss on the other hand says that you don't do your job completely . Although all the effort your giving to your work .
What would you do or say in reply to your boss saying on you ?

Second :If you saw your dream car and it was on sell with an unbelievable price but your father did allow you to buy it .
What would you do ??!

Before answering on these questions I want you to read this wisdom: In a windy day which one do you think is stronger ; an oak tree or reed ?! what do you think the answer is ?
If you suppose the oak tree is the answer thinking about how it acts in a windy day then you better think again .  
You know how the tree is like ; huge , strong , standing firmly in it's place , facing any condition comes it's way . But for how long will it last ?
Not too much , it will be in the wind's way but not for long . Once it losses it's stamina for facing the wind it'll brake down into two pieces !!
But again in the reed case , what would it act like in this condition ?
Simply as it is , it'll bend down slowly with the wind to let it pass by and won't stand in it's way facing it otherwise it'll break up surely just like the oak tree .  

In a nutshell, if you ever had a problem or some trouble came upon you . Don't be stubborn and face it to show who right and stronger then the other one . Cause you'll surely get into other problems and maybe break up like the oak tree !!

In our daily life , there lots of things like that happens . Like when a you have a fight with your sister or brother about who's going to clean the room . Or with your mom when you have troubles with her , Father when he don't let you buy some thing you were dreaming about in for a long time ~ years maybe .

Don't fight just let the (windy) moment go by . It'll help you avoid making more trouble . Later when every thing clams you can discuss things with others and see what it take to solve the problem .

I remember when I was little I used to fight with my sister about who going to clean the room . Then don't talk with each other , stay way and sleep in different places . Just like the (windy) moment has broke us into two pieces . And we never solved out problem in that way .

So always act like the reed when you face any trouble in your life, don't fight let the moments go by and you won't be broken up into two pieces for sure !!!    

Monday, November 23, 2009

OH-HO ! It's A Bad Mood Day !

*Cough* , *cough* , *cough* it just won't stop . *cough* , *cough* , oh my throat is completely dry I need to drink a glass of water . So I did .
It's been 2 hours and I'm coughing like this turning hopelessly in bed to get some sleep for  few hours , but as it seems there no use .
I was in bad for the last 6 hours , right when it was sunrise already at about 7 o'clock I got off my bad , in a very bad mood  . Sometimes I'm like this can't get a short nap for breathing problems , I used to take cortisone spray in the past but now I stopped by doctor's orders . Whenever this happens I get in a very very very BAD MOOD !!!! 

As I woke up thinking how miserable I was , starting with the day I made my breakfast , comb my hair , read some books and did the other usual things . I was doing them in an unpleasant way just because my mood wasn't that perfect . In the afternoon my sister asked me to help her find a book she lost . Because I wasn't feeling very good I ignored her first then yelled at her face telling her to mind her own business & not to bug me around . 


When it was evening my folks went out to visit a friend the house was completely free , so I decided to take a nap for sometime . And boy how refreshing it was , just like my energy is full 100% now .

As it was night already , I was preparing just like I always do before going to bed , reading a book until I go sleep . When I was about to pull a book I started reading it from yesterday , I found the book sister was looking for the whole day .  I was about to give it to her but I remembered what I did then back in the afternoon , true that I was in a bad mood but although that I shouldn't have treated her that way ~ I thought .
Now I have to make it up with her, BUT HOW ???! 

This is all happening because of that bad mood, it's not just me probably you too have been in something like this before . Unless you know how to control it you won't get in troubles with others just like I had with my sister .
Facing others like this and treating them won't be a good idea , it's not very good for your health in the first place . It would be unfair if we punish people for some thing they have nothing to do with .

So , why is the bad mood for ?!
Well there are lots of things that upset one and make him go like this :
1-     Too much work
2-     Boss don't agree with your requests .
3-     Can't sleep >>> like me (^_^)"
4-     Too much home work
5-     Busy all day with housework
6-     Stand long time in the line to get your lunch for example
7-     Have a bad grade in a test
These are some of them , and it's always some thing you don't want or bug you if you have too much of it . 

Okay so let's say one day any of them happened to you and you were very upset and in a bad mood , what would you do ?!
Go around frowning in others faces and yelling at them ? No !!.That will ruin your whole day . You just have to get over it .

Here are some thing you can do :

1. Recall something or someone who makes you happy and daydream about it or him/her, it'll give you some good time with yourself .
2. Find something or someone you are grateful for and express your gratitude to yourself, to your journal and/or to the person or others.
3. Focus on what you have been ignoring. When was the last time you read a great novel, sat by a fire in the fireplace or had the oil in your car changed? Find something you have been meaning to do and do it!Reading can help a lot .
4. Stay in the present. Appreciate the mundane by focusing on the activities you do without thinking like eating, bathing, walking. Take notice of how good the water feels in the shower, how soft or hard the ground feels on your feet as you walk or just silently eat your meal and really taste it your mood will get good .  
5. Get some exercise - go for a walk, ride your bike, jog, swim etc.
6. Take a break and have a cup of tea. Sit quietly for 15 minutes. Keep your mind blank , don't think in anything , just relax . 
7. Pick a piece of uplifting music and listen to it. Tunes will make you smile!
8. Find your own special place to gather strength. Popular possibilities are sitting by the ocean/river/pond, visiting a mountain range, sitting or standing by a lovely garden, Listening to the sounds at the water fall.
9. Watch a young child play. See how engaged they are in the moment and in what they are doing. Join them, they'll remind you of you past childhood , too .

10. Sing your favorite song with or without the radio or stereo on.It'll give you some good times .

In my case I like trying new things every time , but what I focus on most is number 3 . Reading is the best solution for everything in my opinion , it always takes your mind to another world and make you forget all the things around you . 

By keeping this in your mind every time you have a bad mood you'll get over it for sure , so don't take bad moods very seriously okay . And don’t forget to tell me which one works you with the most , alright ?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Live Your Life

Oh , it's 9 A.M. already and I haven't finished my home work yet . I have to do the marketing too at 12 o'clock then go to the institute again in the evening .

PLUS the thousand house work waiting for me to be done before going to bed . Uh , what a day . Working , cleaning , marketing , studying and all these stuff  drive me crazy , wishing to disappear from this place .

BUT , although all that …..I LOVE THE LIFE .
Yes , yes . I know people don't want to handle so many jobs and tasks. Beside all that are you really NOT happy that you are here ? are we all?! .. of course no .
We are all happy and almost LUCKY .
It's true sometimes when I can't get a thing I get mad . Or when I have to do a task all over again from the beginning I get disturbed . When there's no one to talk to I be upset . Or when a beloved person is gone I feel sad .
Only these matters are just like a water drop in a sea . They just happen not for so long then go away and don't last forever . Or you can take care of them when they come over and over again on you . Like mastering how to deal with life .

And aside all these the rest of life is full of joy . Talking with your friends , watching TV , using the computer , chatting with a friend via net , family fun , visiting places , driving your car through the city , what ever your heart desires , right ?
Yeah , it's totally cool life you got there buddy . Don't let small things get you that way . You know what ? people have different view and opinion for life .
Each one sees it in a way . There's the complaining , the lover , the confused , the moderate and all the others .

To live your life a specific way depends on how you see life . If you see it badly then you'll hate everything about it complaining all the time . If you don't know what it's about , then you'll be confused not knowing where to go or what to do . If it's nothing to you , then every thing is meaningless in your eyes . And what you got to be from all this , the lover of life . Love it with all it's goods , bads , happies , sads , mads , surprises , hard times , easy times … EVERYTHING .
You know we all have just one life and we can't simply just waste it blaming, complaining , doing thing that doesn't have any meaning .
Enjoy your life ; work and have fun in the same time . Don't disconnect from your friends , family just when you are too busy at work . Try to call them in any chance cause they will be the ones who will care with you later not your job .

Always be positive . See matters from a good point , don't say ( why me ? ) or ( what did I do to get this problem ?! ) or ( I wish I weren't here ) ( I want to die) . Be positive, don't repeat those bad sayings . Say thing that'll cheer you up , comfort you like ( I can do this ) ( this is easy ) ( problems will go by and won't last forever ) .
Being positive is one of successful people characters .
Optimism in every thing . If some matters come by don't explain them or except bad events . Have good thoughts about them , they will be just fine .

I remember in the past I had difficult time and wished if I were like everyone else not getting involved with silly matters . Like when I have to do my school activates all alone . Or when my teacher asked me to make a project with my group they all depend on me not doing anything & getting the credits so easily .
But now when I've finished I realized some thing really great and made me happy . Although I've been though events like that I leant new stuff , even if I had to do thing on my own I'm able to do it . Why ? cause when problems like that happened in the past by time I've mastered it and using them for my advantage in the future for my sake . That's seeing the good point of matters .

LIFE IS SWEET if you take it that way , believe me no matter what your condition is now or who you are , there's lots of great things around you and you just have to realize that . Hang with your friends , play as much as you want , sing , dance , do every thing you can .In the end you got only one life and a short one too .
So , Live your life .

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Still failing, with no results !!!.... now WHAT?

Every time it's just the same , when ever I have some thing to be done or face a problem I work hard on it , do what ever I can to finish the mission some time spend money or work 24 hours or even days to get it done , but what do I get in the end ?! NOTHING ! Absolutely nothing . No results , zero, zip, zlish .
Have you ever been in some thing like this before ? I bet you had , most of us go in situations like this . Not only we even the ancients have been in times like this .
We all want to success , have thing done for us , know every thing ,finish our education, invent new gadgets, have high rewords live without any problems , go around the world maybe , or even be rich and have a swimming pool full of money to swim in it :) and lots , lots of other dreams and desires.

Problems come in our way , we know that a room can't be built in a single day and night . Matter and stuff need time to happen. I remember when I was 10 years old I loved the Japanese Language and wanted to learn it but I couldn't , cause there wasn't any way that could help to gain what I want in that time. So what did I do ? Quit!? Not exactly , I just considered learning the language as an impossible dream and there's no way I can do that . That's how I thought of the matter .

Are things really as the way I and you think they are ?
Is there any thing called ( an impossible dream ) ??
Will you ever be successful in your life with your current condition ?
If I can't complete my education does that mean I will not go any where in my life and won't be successful forever ?
Are things really as the way they seem !!?

Well I was thinking about these questions for quite times . The stories of people from the past pop into my mind whenever I do so . I remember how they've succeed in there missions and achieved what they always dreamed of . They weren't some super human nor the conditions were easy on there time . No net , no computer , no libraries, no machines , no gadgets , no nothing . SO ! how on earth they've came to what they want ??? Well , it wasn't these things which help them out but because of simple YET important stuff made them able to make miracles .

Here let me show you what I mean …
Every buddy know Edison , the inventor of light (lamp) which without it you wouldn't be using the monitor to read from this blog right now . We all know him and we also know how the condition was on his time . He worked with his team of 3 men, who said to him one day : we have failed 100 times until now and couldn't reach our aim . This may sound disappointing & discouraging , one would quit what he's doing convincing his work is impossible .
But if you are any thing like Edison you wouldn't be effected by such thing . Here what he said : 100 times we failed and knew 100 new things . HOW POSITIVE .
Not seeing the negative side of things and carrying on with his work . These two factors led him to the miracle thus he invented the light (lamp) .
See ? he wasn't a super , didn't stop when he failed too many times and wasn't effected by negative thought of the people around him .

Okay , let's see another example …
Who doesn't know the famous Walt Disney ?! the one who we see his new movies coming every year ?? with a land holds his name that everyone in this world wish to visit it even one time in their life !?
That man has made fortune with things people like , even though he's not here now his project is still "alive" giving people what they always wanted ; fun , joy , happy time with family . They remember him all time and they will for as long as life goes .
BUT , have you ever wondered how did he make it this far ? how did he success ? made this huge land with his name ? people remembering him ? Did all these things just happened this simply ?

Well , his past life wasn't as joy as the future . He tried a lot before succeeding , bankrupted many times , went for so many jobs , worked with other companies to build his land . Back then he had ; no money , no help , no qualifications , no job , no skill , no nothing . Just one little factor that led him to his joy and that is : repetition what he's going . Kept trying & trying until he reached his goal .
So simple yet every important , these days people try number of time then give up easily thinking that's the end . The real end is when you come to your aim and the numbers you should try depends on the time it take to finish your mission .

So there you have it , if some one who hadn't any super gadgets , technique , support from others and all the advantage you have right now ; then what stops a person like you to go on with whatever you are doing with all the good stuff around you ?!
We may fail lots of times but we can't call ourselves failures unless we quit , cause like they say " winners never quit , quitters never win " .
When you fail and try again that means you aren't satisfied with the result , you want a good result , you want to success , to win . That's the real difference between you and a failure . To fail is not having no result to your work but it is to stop what you are doing believing that it is hopeless and you can't achieve it no matter what .

Speaking of achievement I haven't told you what happened later about the language that I wished to learn . When several years passed by I started meeting people from here and there all around the word , different places and nationalities . I met lots of them but one was very special to me , a NATIVE JAPANESE girl works as an English teacher , I told her how I love their language & she was happy for teaching it to me .If I kept saying that it's impossible I wouldn't come this far by now , hoping that one day I'll find away to learn the language made me reach my dream.

What some people don't know that success don't come once , they think if they work hard on some thing it would be done . If the case is like that then the world would be full of successful people . You need to work smart & hard in the same time , also you have to give some time until you get some results , like I said before matters need time to happen they don't just show up by day and night .

Think positive , keep trying , work smart and give whatever you are doing time until you reach to an acceptable result , then you can get what you want , remember don't quit if you fail so many time cause the real successful person who keeps trying and never quits thus he's called the winner which he is FOR SURE .

These are my main factors for success, anything I do is based on them and I always keep them in my mind . If you are still failing with a current mission right now , why not giving it a try one more time using these factors ?! You'll at least change your opinion about things and how they happen .
And if you learnt new things from your past experience which didn't succeed , why not writing them down ?! I'd love to learn from you and apply them in my daily life too …….