Monday, November 23, 2009

OH-HO ! It's A Bad Mood Day !

*Cough* , *cough* , *cough* it just won't stop . *cough* , *cough* , oh my throat is completely dry I need to drink a glass of water . So I did .
It's been 2 hours and I'm coughing like this turning hopelessly in bed to get some sleep for  few hours , but as it seems there no use .
I was in bad for the last 6 hours , right when it was sunrise already at about 7 o'clock I got off my bad , in a very bad mood  . Sometimes I'm like this can't get a short nap for breathing problems , I used to take cortisone spray in the past but now I stopped by doctor's orders . Whenever this happens I get in a very very very BAD MOOD !!!! 

As I woke up thinking how miserable I was , starting with the day I made my breakfast , comb my hair , read some books and did the other usual things . I was doing them in an unpleasant way just because my mood wasn't that perfect . In the afternoon my sister asked me to help her find a book she lost . Because I wasn't feeling very good I ignored her first then yelled at her face telling her to mind her own business & not to bug me around . 


When it was evening my folks went out to visit a friend the house was completely free , so I decided to take a nap for sometime . And boy how refreshing it was , just like my energy is full 100% now .

As it was night already , I was preparing just like I always do before going to bed , reading a book until I go sleep . When I was about to pull a book I started reading it from yesterday , I found the book sister was looking for the whole day .  I was about to give it to her but I remembered what I did then back in the afternoon , true that I was in a bad mood but although that I shouldn't have treated her that way ~ I thought .
Now I have to make it up with her, BUT HOW ???! 

This is all happening because of that bad mood, it's not just me probably you too have been in something like this before . Unless you know how to control it you won't get in troubles with others just like I had with my sister .
Facing others like this and treating them won't be a good idea , it's not very good for your health in the first place . It would be unfair if we punish people for some thing they have nothing to do with .

So , why is the bad mood for ?!
Well there are lots of things that upset one and make him go like this :
1-     Too much work
2-     Boss don't agree with your requests .
3-     Can't sleep >>> like me (^_^)"
4-     Too much home work
5-     Busy all day with housework
6-     Stand long time in the line to get your lunch for example
7-     Have a bad grade in a test
These are some of them , and it's always some thing you don't want or bug you if you have too much of it . 

Okay so let's say one day any of them happened to you and you were very upset and in a bad mood , what would you do ?!
Go around frowning in others faces and yelling at them ? No !!.That will ruin your whole day . You just have to get over it .

Here are some thing you can do :

1. Recall something or someone who makes you happy and daydream about it or him/her, it'll give you some good time with yourself .
2. Find something or someone you are grateful for and express your gratitude to yourself, to your journal and/or to the person or others.
3. Focus on what you have been ignoring. When was the last time you read a great novel, sat by a fire in the fireplace or had the oil in your car changed? Find something you have been meaning to do and do it!Reading can help a lot .
4. Stay in the present. Appreciate the mundane by focusing on the activities you do without thinking like eating, bathing, walking. Take notice of how good the water feels in the shower, how soft or hard the ground feels on your feet as you walk or just silently eat your meal and really taste it your mood will get good .  
5. Get some exercise - go for a walk, ride your bike, jog, swim etc.
6. Take a break and have a cup of tea. Sit quietly for 15 minutes. Keep your mind blank , don't think in anything , just relax . 
7. Pick a piece of uplifting music and listen to it. Tunes will make you smile!
8. Find your own special place to gather strength. Popular possibilities are sitting by the ocean/river/pond, visiting a mountain range, sitting or standing by a lovely garden, Listening to the sounds at the water fall.
9. Watch a young child play. See how engaged they are in the moment and in what they are doing. Join them, they'll remind you of you past childhood , too .

10. Sing your favorite song with or without the radio or stereo on.It'll give you some good times .

In my case I like trying new things every time , but what I focus on most is number 3 . Reading is the best solution for everything in my opinion , it always takes your mind to another world and make you forget all the things around you . 

By keeping this in your mind every time you have a bad mood you'll get over it for sure , so don't take bad moods very seriously okay . And don’t forget to tell me which one works you with the most , alright ?!

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