Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Still failing, with no results !!!.... now WHAT?

Every time it's just the same , when ever I have some thing to be done or face a problem I work hard on it , do what ever I can to finish the mission some time spend money or work 24 hours or even days to get it done , but what do I get in the end ?! NOTHING ! Absolutely nothing . No results , zero, zip, zlish .
Have you ever been in some thing like this before ? I bet you had , most of us go in situations like this . Not only we even the ancients have been in times like this .
We all want to success , have thing done for us , know every thing ,finish our education, invent new gadgets, have high rewords live without any problems , go around the world maybe , or even be rich and have a swimming pool full of money to swim in it :) and lots , lots of other dreams and desires.

Problems come in our way , we know that a room can't be built in a single day and night . Matter and stuff need time to happen. I remember when I was 10 years old I loved the Japanese Language and wanted to learn it but I couldn't , cause there wasn't any way that could help to gain what I want in that time. So what did I do ? Quit!? Not exactly , I just considered learning the language as an impossible dream and there's no way I can do that . That's how I thought of the matter .

Are things really as the way I and you think they are ?
Is there any thing called ( an impossible dream ) ??
Will you ever be successful in your life with your current condition ?
If I can't complete my education does that mean I will not go any where in my life and won't be successful forever ?
Are things really as the way they seem !!?

Well I was thinking about these questions for quite times . The stories of people from the past pop into my mind whenever I do so . I remember how they've succeed in there missions and achieved what they always dreamed of . They weren't some super human nor the conditions were easy on there time . No net , no computer , no libraries, no machines , no gadgets , no nothing . SO ! how on earth they've came to what they want ??? Well , it wasn't these things which help them out but because of simple YET important stuff made them able to make miracles .

Here let me show you what I mean …
Every buddy know Edison , the inventor of light (lamp) which without it you wouldn't be using the monitor to read from this blog right now . We all know him and we also know how the condition was on his time . He worked with his team of 3 men, who said to him one day : we have failed 100 times until now and couldn't reach our aim . This may sound disappointing & discouraging , one would quit what he's doing convincing his work is impossible .
But if you are any thing like Edison you wouldn't be effected by such thing . Here what he said : 100 times we failed and knew 100 new things . HOW POSITIVE .
Not seeing the negative side of things and carrying on with his work . These two factors led him to the miracle thus he invented the light (lamp) .
See ? he wasn't a super , didn't stop when he failed too many times and wasn't effected by negative thought of the people around him .

Okay , let's see another example …
Who doesn't know the famous Walt Disney ?! the one who we see his new movies coming every year ?? with a land holds his name that everyone in this world wish to visit it even one time in their life !?
That man has made fortune with things people like , even though he's not here now his project is still "alive" giving people what they always wanted ; fun , joy , happy time with family . They remember him all time and they will for as long as life goes .
BUT , have you ever wondered how did he make it this far ? how did he success ? made this huge land with his name ? people remembering him ? Did all these things just happened this simply ?

Well , his past life wasn't as joy as the future . He tried a lot before succeeding , bankrupted many times , went for so many jobs , worked with other companies to build his land . Back then he had ; no money , no help , no qualifications , no job , no skill , no nothing . Just one little factor that led him to his joy and that is : repetition what he's going . Kept trying & trying until he reached his goal .
So simple yet every important , these days people try number of time then give up easily thinking that's the end . The real end is when you come to your aim and the numbers you should try depends on the time it take to finish your mission .

So there you have it , if some one who hadn't any super gadgets , technique , support from others and all the advantage you have right now ; then what stops a person like you to go on with whatever you are doing with all the good stuff around you ?!
We may fail lots of times but we can't call ourselves failures unless we quit , cause like they say " winners never quit , quitters never win " .
When you fail and try again that means you aren't satisfied with the result , you want a good result , you want to success , to win . That's the real difference between you and a failure . To fail is not having no result to your work but it is to stop what you are doing believing that it is hopeless and you can't achieve it no matter what .

Speaking of achievement I haven't told you what happened later about the language that I wished to learn . When several years passed by I started meeting people from here and there all around the word , different places and nationalities . I met lots of them but one was very special to me , a NATIVE JAPANESE girl works as an English teacher , I told her how I love their language & she was happy for teaching it to me .If I kept saying that it's impossible I wouldn't come this far by now , hoping that one day I'll find away to learn the language made me reach my dream.

What some people don't know that success don't come once , they think if they work hard on some thing it would be done . If the case is like that then the world would be full of successful people . You need to work smart & hard in the same time , also you have to give some time until you get some results , like I said before matters need time to happen they don't just show up by day and night .

Think positive , keep trying , work smart and give whatever you are doing time until you reach to an acceptable result , then you can get what you want , remember don't quit if you fail so many time cause the real successful person who keeps trying and never quits thus he's called the winner which he is FOR SURE .

These are my main factors for success, anything I do is based on them and I always keep them in my mind . If you are still failing with a current mission right now , why not giving it a try one more time using these factors ?! You'll at least change your opinion about things and how they happen .
And if you learnt new things from your past experience which didn't succeed , why not writing them down ?! I'd love to learn from you and apply them in my daily life too …….

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