Saturday, November 28, 2009

Think Positive And Enjoy Your Life

-I don’t' know if they'll like me and except me for the job
-I'm still new in this neighbor and don't know if I can make any friends
-This place is odd , I don't know if I'll fit in
-I'm not a really good person to make a friend with
-How will I do in my test tomorrow ?
-Will the weather be good today ?
-What if no one likes my speech ?
-I don't think I can do this ….
Negative … negative …. negative ….negative…..negative….n…e…g..a…t..i…v…e

Hey , whoa  - whoa . What's all these negative thoughts for ?
Why are you seeing things this way through black sight ?
I know hard moments come on me and you from time to time but that doesn't mean you should be worried all the time and except some thing bad will happen in the near future . Take it easy there , don't be so hard on yourself . 

Life is Simple
And you should be just like it too . Look to thing just they way they are . Don’t go too much for the details . Do the tasks that's been asked from you and don’t do more then that . It's totally a simple life . Like a kid who all cares about his toys and fun time .  Like a flower that give sweet small and look . Like a curio that adds beauty to your house . It's that Simple .

Do things that you like and enjoy
Listen to music , dance
Go shopping with your friends and family
Watch some movie , your favorite ones
Go in trips with your school mates
Discover new things in books , net , TV , from people around you
Be with every thing that you enjoy yourself with and have wonderful moments spending your time on them . Respond to anything your heart desires and perfume it right a way .

Let the negative thought aside
Don't think badly , repeat them over and over again . It's won't help you any way .
You'll just mess things with yourself when you except something and another comes in your way later. It'll give you headache too sometimes when you think badly for a long time about a certain matter . My sister used to have situation like this .
Leave all the negative words aside and throw them in the trash can forever :
-I can't do it
-I'm not sure
-I won't success
-They won't like me
-It'll be bad  
And like they say

Be positive and think bright
When you leave the negative side of yourself and start being positive . Work on it like you did on the negative situation . Always say good things to yourself in every matter in your life . Keep repeating them over and over again .
Don’t just speak them up but do as you say . Let your mind, sayings and acts go with each other :
-I can do this , it's easy
-Everything will be fine
-I'll make it till the end
-It'll end in no time
-I'll get all the help I want
-Success is in my hand , I got all the factors for it  

And always remember that you are what you think , feel what you want . So always act according to this , think positive and bright . You can do it .

Live your life
You me and every buddy else got only one life . It's not worth to spend it on complaining , blaming , fighting or any other useless stuff . You have to live to your maximum . Set goals , dreams and aims . Work hard to achieve them . Always focus on what your doing and be positive about it . Think you are capable for this mission and you'll achieve it for sure . Cause you are what you think .

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