Thursday, November 19, 2009

Live Your Life

Oh , it's 9 A.M. already and I haven't finished my home work yet . I have to do the marketing too at 12 o'clock then go to the institute again in the evening .

PLUS the thousand house work waiting for me to be done before going to bed . Uh , what a day . Working , cleaning , marketing , studying and all these stuff  drive me crazy , wishing to disappear from this place .

BUT , although all that …..I LOVE THE LIFE .
Yes , yes . I know people don't want to handle so many jobs and tasks. Beside all that are you really NOT happy that you are here ? are we all?! .. of course no .
We are all happy and almost LUCKY .
It's true sometimes when I can't get a thing I get mad . Or when I have to do a task all over again from the beginning I get disturbed . When there's no one to talk to I be upset . Or when a beloved person is gone I feel sad .
Only these matters are just like a water drop in a sea . They just happen not for so long then go away and don't last forever . Or you can take care of them when they come over and over again on you . Like mastering how to deal with life .

And aside all these the rest of life is full of joy . Talking with your friends , watching TV , using the computer , chatting with a friend via net , family fun , visiting places , driving your car through the city , what ever your heart desires , right ?
Yeah , it's totally cool life you got there buddy . Don't let small things get you that way . You know what ? people have different view and opinion for life .
Each one sees it in a way . There's the complaining , the lover , the confused , the moderate and all the others .

To live your life a specific way depends on how you see life . If you see it badly then you'll hate everything about it complaining all the time . If you don't know what it's about , then you'll be confused not knowing where to go or what to do . If it's nothing to you , then every thing is meaningless in your eyes . And what you got to be from all this , the lover of life . Love it with all it's goods , bads , happies , sads , mads , surprises , hard times , easy times … EVERYTHING .
You know we all have just one life and we can't simply just waste it blaming, complaining , doing thing that doesn't have any meaning .
Enjoy your life ; work and have fun in the same time . Don't disconnect from your friends , family just when you are too busy at work . Try to call them in any chance cause they will be the ones who will care with you later not your job .

Always be positive . See matters from a good point , don't say ( why me ? ) or ( what did I do to get this problem ?! ) or ( I wish I weren't here ) ( I want to die) . Be positive, don't repeat those bad sayings . Say thing that'll cheer you up , comfort you like ( I can do this ) ( this is easy ) ( problems will go by and won't last forever ) .
Being positive is one of successful people characters .
Optimism in every thing . If some matters come by don't explain them or except bad events . Have good thoughts about them , they will be just fine .

I remember in the past I had difficult time and wished if I were like everyone else not getting involved with silly matters . Like when I have to do my school activates all alone . Or when my teacher asked me to make a project with my group they all depend on me not doing anything & getting the credits so easily .
But now when I've finished I realized some thing really great and made me happy . Although I've been though events like that I leant new stuff , even if I had to do thing on my own I'm able to do it . Why ? cause when problems like that happened in the past by time I've mastered it and using them for my advantage in the future for my sake . That's seeing the good point of matters .

LIFE IS SWEET if you take it that way , believe me no matter what your condition is now or who you are , there's lots of great things around you and you just have to realize that . Hang with your friends , play as much as you want , sing , dance , do every thing you can .In the end you got only one life and a short one too .
So , Live your life .

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