Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An Oak Tree Or a Reed ?!

  Sometimes matters don't go like the way we want but it can be a simple problem you can handle . Like when your computer isn't working you fix it . Or when you use your cell phone you be surprised that you can't make a call although you charged it yesterday , so what's the problem ? there's no credit in your balance !!
Having to much house work or home work . Working some extra hours . All these things can be handled . Even if you get upset and mad in the beginning you'll soon forget about them once you finished them , am I right or not ?!

But , in other case problems get complicated . They be more then just some extra hours of work or missing things. No matter how hard you do to solve the problem or avoid it , it simply just keeps going harder and harder on you .
There's lots of examples for that from our daily life .

Let's take these two for example :
First : You are working very hard and have been given some more extra time to work.
Let's say you work as a teacher . There too many stuff needs to be finished . Your boss on the other hand says that you don't do your job completely . Although all the effort your giving to your work .
What would you do or say in reply to your boss saying on you ?

Second :If you saw your dream car and it was on sell with an unbelievable price but your father did allow you to buy it .
What would you do ??!

Before answering on these questions I want you to read this wisdom: In a windy day which one do you think is stronger ; an oak tree or reed ?! what do you think the answer is ?
If you suppose the oak tree is the answer thinking about how it acts in a windy day then you better think again .  
You know how the tree is like ; huge , strong , standing firmly in it's place , facing any condition comes it's way . But for how long will it last ?
Not too much , it will be in the wind's way but not for long . Once it losses it's stamina for facing the wind it'll brake down into two pieces !!
But again in the reed case , what would it act like in this condition ?
Simply as it is , it'll bend down slowly with the wind to let it pass by and won't stand in it's way facing it otherwise it'll break up surely just like the oak tree .  

In a nutshell, if you ever had a problem or some trouble came upon you . Don't be stubborn and face it to show who right and stronger then the other one . Cause you'll surely get into other problems and maybe break up like the oak tree !!

In our daily life , there lots of things like that happens . Like when a you have a fight with your sister or brother about who's going to clean the room . Or with your mom when you have troubles with her , Father when he don't let you buy some thing you were dreaming about in for a long time ~ years maybe .

Don't fight just let the (windy) moment go by . It'll help you avoid making more trouble . Later when every thing clams you can discuss things with others and see what it take to solve the problem .

I remember when I was little I used to fight with my sister about who going to clean the room . Then don't talk with each other , stay way and sleep in different places . Just like the (windy) moment has broke us into two pieces . And we never solved out problem in that way .

So always act like the reed when you face any trouble in your life, don't fight let the moments go by and you won't be broken up into two pieces for sure !!!    

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