Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Most Thing I Hate !!!

- Hey I need a little help with some questions , can you give me a hand ?
- Sure , show me what you got .
- Here , it's just these two questions in the beginning
- Okay , I'll solve them to you and write the answers in 5 minuets

After 5 minuets ,
-There you are , I was waiting for you . I finished your questions you can take it now.
She grabs the paper from me in an impolite way .
-You should brought it to me earlier since you finished it already !!
- But you didn't tell me that and …..
-Yeah , yeah . Whatever thanks for that help


We meet lots of people in our life ….
Simple and easy .
Funny and mad .
Happy and sad .
Clever and wise .
And many others . We enjoy funny people's jokes . Listen to wise one's wisdom . Have happy and nice time with simple people . But one of them you can't stand very much and that's that bad manners guy's or people .

You know the ones whenever you do something they don't thank you . Or when they pass by a crowded place or something like that they keep on complaining . And when they be with you , they don't let you work or mess thing got you . Don't talk in a polite way , don't say good thing . Don't behave gently . They just care about their selves. Selfish , snooty , liar , cocky . Just love themselves and think they are the best from anyone else .

No one loves these kind of people . They don’t respect others , don't help them . Don’t treat you with your dignity . Just like you are some thing lower then them .
But why they are like this ?!
Probably because they are some important person . Or have lots of money . A high position in job, maybe became something that other couldn't come to .
 ~ that's what I think .

In my life I met lots of them, People with bad manners . I can't do anything but be silent until that annoying person go away . I'm sure that you too met these kind of people , one or two of them . There's no part in this world safe from these kind of human . For a regular  person you can stand it , but when it comes from another guy that should be a leader or a teacher that's another case .
I mean if your teacher or boss has bad manners then it would be something difficult to deal with . Not like your neighbor's boy or class mate , you can simply ignore or avoid talking to them . But when it's up to your teacher or boss you have to deal with them sooner or later, no matter what .

As I met many of them I can say the best solution for this kind is being patient , ignore them and don't talk too much . You can intimation them about their behaves though it didn't work with me but you can try anyway . To stay away from them is even better . They'll play with your nerves whenever you hang around with them .

Some times even a regular guy can become annoying and have bad manners . They don't mean it but when they have hard times their mood become bad and do things that they don't mean . So always watch what you are doing , cause no buddy like a bad manner guy , they are more like bugs or noxious plant

How do you act when a bad mannered guy hang around with you ?!

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