Monday, November 09, 2009

Are You There Yet Or Not ?!

Teacher , doctor , scientist, Engineer or maybe a doctor in the chemistry lab . OH ! There's just so many thing I can become when I grow up and finish high school . At least that's how I thought things will turn around by now .

BUT , not quiet well the matters has gone . High school was the most important and difficult – some how – year in my life . I did my best believing that I'll achieve every thing right after graduating . Oh please don't misunderstand me , life isn't simple as it looks .
I know it seems sweet and nice some times but when you take it seriously  you have to be smart to go through it .

Biology was fun so was chemistry it was my favorite subject with Math. Answering mathematical problem was just like solving a riddle . They were all easy I even enjoyed doing the activities with tons of home works we had back than . But with all that, there was one thing or a problem - if I can say – I didn't have the answer for it .I always dreamed of being successful but what I haven't planned for is HOW !!?

Like I want to help people , develop myself , rise my country's name , have high rewards.Of course these things won't happen unless you plan for them in the very beginning .Even though I had different knowledge about different things , even though I can speak lots of languages , even though I can go on with any kind of condition non of them helped me to be successful in my life . True that these are valuable things but if you don't have any aim in your life you won't get the success or became the person you want to be in the future . And that's exactly the key for your true success.

I mean if I had lots of talent and not using them properly or not using them to do a certain thing I will go no where and my dreams won't come true cause there's nothing I'm working for . Why am I studying ? why am I reading more books ? visiting more places ? knowing more people and exchanging knowledge with them ? if there isn't any sure thing I'm doing them for then there's no need to do them in the first place , right !?

So here's the thing ; if you want to be successful in your life first matter you have to take in consider is putting an aim in your life , plan what you are going to be in the future and with that person you'll become you can gain your success. Don't be what other people ask you to be , just follow your heart , look at your favourite stuff the ones you enjoy doing them .Just like Ralph Emerson said "What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think." This may sound easy but it need a lot when it comes about achieving what you want .Handicaps will come in your way some times , but don't give up easily , once you reach your goal those handicaps will just be some thing to talk about proudly and how you passed them all by your own . Yes , perhaps it's easier to say then it's done but if you put your heart , hard work , hope and insistence in it you will win for sure .

To note this in numbers so you can always remember them and when ever you feel frustrated in any step you take just come here again and read these 7 keys to reach your aim , dreams and success :

1. Optimism. your acts will always be a result of what and how  you think so think positive, keep success in your mind. 
Faith. Believe in yourself, God and your country, you can do you part no matter what comes in your way .
Planning. Know what’s important each day; set your priorities accordingly make it easy and simple so you can go on with it in the beginning .

4. Determination. Have the courage to stand alone when taking the big risks in life, remember they will be only thing to talk about proudly and how to passed them by later
Perseverance. Try and try again until the goal is achieved. Never give up, no matter how slow or long time it takes in the end you will win .
Knowledge. Learn to accept your mistakes, but make them only once.
Enthusiasm. Choose work you like. Enjoy the challenges, have friends to work with and compete them , then there will be more enthusiasm .

And that's how I am now , applying the 7 keys ,  studying hard to became a doctor in the chemistry lab putting all my heart and insistence in it , challenging all the handicaps in my way to achieve my goal and make my dreams come true .

SO , what about you ? have you decided your aim in life ?! did you reach your dreams yet or not !?

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